im chloei laguilles aim a young journalist i start writing when i was 3 yrs old but for me writing makes others life boring that's why i stoped and continue writing some poems spoken article when i was grd 5 but never too a chance to wrote her own book/article that would stun but when god helps me and guide me i commited myself as an aughtor i start writing books at the app WATTPAD maybe my books is not god as you might think but i will call myself an aughtor not because aim good aslong as i write thats my moto no matter what no matter how ugly youur works as long as you write and you love what is you're doing then be confident with call and accept you're an aughtor.....aim not professional at you may think but aim proffesional at how i see an i see that a young journalist wil never gave up no matter what aim chloei laguilles again and i start this blog 10/22/18 12:30 pm aim in grade of 6 and turning 12 (in that year)