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How reading changes your perspective

Writer: Chloei LaguillesChloei Laguilles

Updated: Oct 23, 2018

Did id it really affect our perspective or whe are just making sense to each books were reading/handling? facebook and ig acc:chloei laguilles twitter acc:btschloei wattpad acc:chloeikimTH

The're is no friend as loyal as a book


we read books yes and it helps us to many things such as finding definition learning something but do we really change or we just apply our sense to those words on books?

this is the way of some people who want to change by reading books yes''and yet''...YES it really gaves us information and it helps us stun your readers and yourself but YET it doesnt changes or affect our perspective its the choice of reader if she/he want to be affected with those informations and learning beacuse if you did'nt want then whats the mean of reading/writing books if right now youre blocking the way...The way of books to help you and helping others really includes changing

We read to know we're not alone, .

Books fill the time of a very loyal friends then you're just te one to pick and chose if you wan't to hear his story and hi'll guide you with here learnings.....

not all books has learning but all books has capacity to grow with our own mind if you want to hear more about the story how about you you have complete fingers right'' then add and spoke for the book because i knew books cannot spoke,but we can't spoke for books crdt:chloei laguilles

Get Inspired

we lost ourselves in books,we find ourselves there too......we almost forgott ourselves because of the books that retell their stories to us but we find ourselves right there when we read books with our soul and books changes our attitude that attitude can call OURSELVES



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